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You Get What You Give

Throughout this past week in ISM, I have continued to work on my final product and update my various logs. In addition to my regular routine, I also prepared for my final presentation night speech.

Surprisingly, I felt quite confident about this speech. I was not feeling nervous that day, so I thought something was off, as I have always been quite anxious before presenting any of my speeches. I was also able to use less notecards than I usually do, which was quite an improvement for me. It was also noticeable throughout my speech, as my group said they liked everything about my speech and the only criticism they had was for me to spend a little more time discussing the development stages of my product.

Moving onto my final product, I am almost done writing my proposal! This Friday, it will be sent to my mentor and she will give me some feedback before I send it to AlphaBEST to look over and then discuss the future of the proposal; I may have to make some adjustments, they may approve my proposal, or it may be rejected completely. I have conducted as much research as realistically possible, so whatever happens after this, I am just thankful that I had so much support along the way, from Dr. Dickschat, from Mr. Speice, and from my various interviewees.

In conclusion, I am so grateful for this past second year in ISM. From the relationships I’ve built to the projects I’ve completed with such a talented mentor, I am hoping to continue my pursuit in pediatrics as my education carries me down the road alongside my passion in pediatrics.

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